The tongue is the armor of the heart; it guards one's life. Loud talk, longs talks, wild talks, and talk full of anger and hate: all these affect the health of man. They breed anger and hate in others; they wound; they excite; they enrage; they, estrange. Why is silence said to be golden? The silent man has no enemies, although he may not have friends.

Birth is the consequence of Kama (desire; lust); Death is the consequence of Kaala (Time, the lapse of Time). The God of Desire (Kama) was reduced to ashes by Shiva; The God of Time is Kaala or Yama. He was subdued by sin. So, one has to surrender to Siva (God) if one has to escape the consequences of these two frightfully fatal forces. If between Kama and Kaala, you take refuge in Rama, then you can escape the rigor. For Rama is the Atma who has no Kama and is unaffected by Kaala. 

While taking food, you should not discuss dreadful incidents. No room should be given to subjects, which excite the mind. Silence should prevail during eating. Even sound waves enter into us and affect our minds. Hence people should avoid seeing television while taking food. 

The earth is a great enterprise, a busy factory, where the product is Love. The earth is a great enterprise, a busy factory, where the product is Love. By means of spiritual discipline it is possible to produce Love and export it to millions and millions of people in need of it. The more it is shared the deeper it becomes, the sweeter the taste and the vaster the joy. By means of Love one can approach God and stay in His presence. For God is Love and when one lives in Love he is living in God. If you deny God angrily, you are drying up the springs of Love in your heart. If you claim that God is nowhere, you are installing darkness in your heart and making it ready for dark schemes and misdeeds. 

Love which moves, flow from one heart to another, from one place to another, from one person to another, ultimately reaches the destination which is called the Grace of God; such love is pure. When you love Me, you love all; for, you begin to feel and know and experience that I am in all.

Love for all should spontaneously flow from your heart and sweeten all your words. The best spiritual discipline that can help man is Love. Foster the tiny seed of Love that clings to me and mine let it sprout into Love for the group around you and grow into Love for all mankind and spread out its branches over animals, birds and those that creep and crawl and let the Love enfold all things and beings in all the world. Proceed from less Love to more Love, narrow Love to expanded Love.

Expand into Universal Love, unshaken equanimity and ever-active virtue. That is the Path, which will bring out the Divinity in you to the fullest. Love grows with every gift of Love; the heart that pours out Love is ever full. God is there, as Love and you are only drawing on Him, when you are sharing Love with others.

Prayer alone makes life happy, harmonious and worth living in this universe. Prayer brings man and God together and with every sigh nearer and nearer. Prayer is the yearning one experiences to awaken the Divinity latent in the heart. Prayer is not pronouncing of words. Prayer reveals the real secret of life; prayer will succeed when thoughts are pure. 

Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all

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