Sai's 9 Gems

SWAMI TALKS TO YOU (Thursday's Nine Gems)

1. Human life is the noblest, most rare and the only one fit to be lived. It is the primary duty and responsibility of every man to work for his redemption and liberation by his daily effort, by working hard and by discharging his duties. 

2. To fill your small belly, you face many problems in life. You acquire various forms of knowledge from various fields. You are not able to enjoy the total bliss. Really, You are wasting your human life. 

3. You cannot derive happiness out of happiness. Happiness is the fructification of difficulties. You want all the comforts and happiness, but this will not give you Peace. If you want to have a taste of happiness and peace, obstacles are necessary. 

4. Tree is the very symbol of sacrifice. For the ideals of sacrifice, trees are the best exemplars. In this human life, sacrifice is very essential. Without sacrifice, you cannot enjoy the state of bliss anytime. You should cultivate the spirit of sacrifice right from now onwards. 

5. You may extend hospitality and kindness to a mean-minded person, but he will certainly harm you due to his very nature. Because of the 'poison' that gets into one's psychology, human life is ruined. 

6. We should uphold the pristine glory and esteem that man is supreme in the universe. In ancient times, the sages erred occasionally, but repented and atoned for their sins. They were great personalities. You should follow such mighty, eminent personalities. 

7. Modern man is weak. In modern times, people commit sins, but they neither realise their mistakes nor do they repent. In those days, the elders corrected their mistakes and lead a pure life, being very grateful to God. Repentance is the basis for the glorious life that follows. To recognise this truth, you worship Lord Vigneshwara. 

8. Divinity is not limited to mankind alone. We find divinity present in birds and beasts too. To demonstrate this latent, immanent divinity, we have Vinaayaka having an elephant's head, with a mouse as his vehicle. 

9. The elephant is highly intelligent, faithful and loyal. It never leaves the path that it lays all by itself and stands as a symbol for gratitude. Gratitude is a very sacred quality.



"Mushikavaahana Modaka Hastha,
Chaamara Karna Vilambitha Sutra,
Vaamana Rupa Maheshwara Putra,
Vighna Vinaayaka Paada Namasthe"


Prayer is the very breath of religion; for it brings man and God together and, with every sigh, nearer and nearer. Dhyana is the process of listening to the Song Celestial, the Flute of Krishna, with the mental ears alert on the melody. Yoga is the merging of the Mind in the Bliss of self-forgetfulness, when the music fills the Consciousness. 

This is the best time to tell you something about the authenticity of this Advent. I only wish to communicate the Truth. There are many who cannot bear or tolerate the splendor that I am manifesting, the Divinity that is expressed in every act, the wonders and amazing happenings that are the result of Grace; these people label these as acts of mesmerism or miracles or feats of magic! They hope to bring these down in the estimation of the people. Let me tell you this ; mine is no mesmerism or miracle or magic. Mine is genuine DIVINE POWER. 

Birds, beasts and trees have not deviated, from their nature; they are still holding it valid. Man alone has disfigured it, in his crude attempt to improve upon it. So, the Avatar has to come as Man among men, move as a friend, well wisher, kinsman, guide, teacher, healer and participant among men. He has come to restore Dharma and when man follows Dharma, he is pleased and content.

Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all

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